Are you looking to expand your network of business contacts and for potential business partners in the US or Latin America and the Caribbean? Join us for...
Expand your network of business contacts in the region Classify your products and services in our virtual directory. Reach out to potential partners. Schedule one-on-one virtual meetings.
Diverse set of participating companies, including US multinational corporations and regional small and medium enterprises.
Take part in the opportunity to meet online with companies from the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean as part of AACCLA’s B2B Networking event, which is being carried out with the support of the IDB’s ConnectAmericas platform. This event is free for all AmCham members and invited companies. AACCLA’s B2B Networking event will take place during April 20, 21, and 22 from 10 am – 3 pm EDT on each day to help companies expand their network of business contacts in Latin America and the Caribbean andbring together buyers and suppliers and to provide a chance to meet and exchange their business needs and offerings. Companies will first fill out a survey indicating their industry sector and business needs whether they are looking to meet with buyers or suppliers in a specific sector. Upon entering this information, participating companies will be able to browse through their matches, view company profiles, and save their favorite suppliers for later, as well as download their results for later market research. Companies can then send one-on-one invitations to request meetings with as many companies as they like or accept invitations from other participating companies. Register early so your companies can find a meeting time that works for both of you. To learn more about the registration process, please click here. To learn more about matchmaking and setting up one-on-one meetings on the event platform, please clickhere. For more information contact Maximiliano Sepulveda at msepulveda@uschamber.com.