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Holidays Affect Purchasing Behaviors

Over 90 percent of Americans share they are celebrating Thanksgiving and the December holidays, according to research from The Food Industry Association’s U.S. Grocery Shopper Trends, Holiday Season report. Lucinda Pierce, research and insights specialist at FMI reviewed some of the consumer preferences that are shaping the season.

She said that concerns about rising food prices have caused 77 percent of consumers to implement one of three money-saving tactics, which can include opting for home-cooked meals instead of eating out or ordering takeout, shopping in a “coupon-conscious” or deal-oriented mindset, and finding affordable product substitutions.

“When it comes to holiday meal prep, there’s no one way to get the biggest bang for your buck,” Pierce wrote.

While cooking holiday meals, 39 percent of shoppers plan on buying a traditional meat product that they don’t typically purchase. She attributes this surge to the occasion providing the opportunity to cook special family recipes.

The end of the season brings New Year’s resolutions. Some of the most popular food-related ones include eating at home more, exercising more and improving one’s diet nutritionally, experimenting with new recipes, exploring different cuisines, and trying new restaurants. Shoppers also expect a cooling financial environment in 2023, with 30 percent anticipating an improvement in their ability to buy food.

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